Trumpet Soloist (International Edition) – PDF + Online Audios

Solo disponible durante el primer fin de semana (21-23 de junio)

Holy Week in Spain is a truly special tradition, where music plays a key role. Cofrade bands accompany the processions that fill the streets of many cities, performing a style of music that is constantly evolving—expanding not only to other parts of the world but also into different musical genres.

With this International Edition of Trumpet Soloist, you can discover cofrade music from anywhere in the world and learn to play the same solos and duets heard in Spanish processions.

This book includes a selection of over 60 trumpet solos, allowing you to explore many of the marches that have shaped the evolution of cofrade music. This style is not limited to processions; it has had a major influence on other areas such as film and popular music. A great example of this impact is the song “Demasiadas Mujeres” by C. Tangana, which you might already be familiar with.

For this reason, the book is structured into two main sections:

  • You will take a deep dive into the origins of cofrade music, its different formations and styles, and its influence on today’s music scene.
  • One of the defining characteristics of this music is its rich solo and duet repertoire. This section offers a carefully curated collection, categorized by difficulty level, making it accessible to both beginner trumpet players and experienced musicians. This way, you can progress at your own pace and enjoy cofrade music at your skill level.

This book offers a simple and practical way to explore cofrade music. Even if you’ve never experienced Holy Week in Spain, it will help you understand and play this unique style. Additionally, it includes hundreds of links to YouTube videos, where you can listen to live performances and professional recordings of each piece in the book. This will allow you to familiarize yourself with each march before playing it.

Don’t miss the opportunity to expand your musical knowledge and immerse yourself in the beauty of Spanish cofrade music!

What is Trumpet Soloist?

Trumpet Soloist (International Ed.) Content

TRUMPET SOLOIST – International Edition is organized as follows:

  • Introduction & Tips
  • Cofrade Music
  • Origins & Evolution
  • Adaptations & Versions
  • Formations & Musical Styles
  • Composers
  • Solos & Duets from Cofrade Marches

Solos included in TRUMPET SOLOIST – International Edition

Contenido del acordeón

A ti… Manué / To You… Manué
Aires de Triana / Breezes of Triana
Al Gitano de la Cava / To Gitano de la Cava
Albaycín – Dúo / Albaycín – Duet
Aleluya – Solo 1 / Hallelujah – Solo 1
Aleluya – Solo 2 / Hallelujah – Solo 2
Alma Nuestra – Dúo / Our Soul – Duet
Amanecer con Triana / Dawn with Triana
Amargura Gitana – Dúo / Gypsy Sorrow – Duet
Ante tu Dolor / Before Your Pain
Bajo la Luz de tu Mirada / Under the Light of Your Gaze
Bajo tu Palio, Rosario / Under Your Canopy, Rosario
Callejuela de la O / Little Street of the O
Caridad del Guadalquivir – Dúo / Charity of the Guadalquivir – Duet
Costaleros de Fe / Bearers of Faith
Cristo de la Mancha / Cristo de la Mancha
De entre los Muertos… ¡Resucitó! – Dúo / From Among the Dead… He Rose! – Duet
De tus Dolores, Nuestra Fe / From Your Sorrows, Our Faith
De tus Penas, Soleares / From Your Sorrows, Soleares
De tus Penas, Soleares – Dúo 1 / From Your Sorrows, Soleares – Duet 1
De tus Penas, Soleares – Dúo 2 / From Your Sorrows, Soleares – Duet 2
El Cáliz / The Chalice
El Dulce Nazareno – Dúo / The Sweet Nazarene – Duet
El Dulce Nazareno / The Sweet Nazarene
El Moreno de San Pedro / The Dark-Skinned One of San Pedro
El Recuerdo (La Saeta) (Do-Reb brillante) / The Memory (The Saeta) (Bright C-Db)
Esperanza por los Pobres Coronada – Dúo / Crowned Hope for the Poor – Duet
Esperanza por los Pobres Coronada / Crowned Hope for the Poor
Flagelado – Dúo / The Scourged One – Duet
Gitano / Gypsy
Jesús del Prendimiento / Jesus of the Arrest
La Elección – Dúo / The Choice – Duet
La Esperanza de María / The Hope of Mary
La Gitana / The Gypsy Woman
La Rosa del Lunes Santo – Dúo / The Rose of Holy Monday – Duet
La Saeta / The Saeta
La Vida Eterna – Dúo / Eternal Life – Duet
Lloran los Clarines – Dúo / The Bugles Weep – Duet
Lloran los Clarines / The Bugles Weep
Nazareno y Gitano / Nazarene and Gypsy
Palomita de Triana / Little Dove of Triana
Pasa la Soledad / Soledad Passes By
Prendido en mi Corazón / Engraved in My Heart
Redención / Redemption
Reina de Reyes / Queen of Kings
Remissio / Remission
Rescatado en la Magdalena – Solo 1 / Rescued in La Magdalena – Solo 1
Rescatado en la Magdalena – Solo 2 / Rescued in La Magdalena – Solo 2
Rosario / Rosary
Salve, Rey de los Judíos – Dúo / Hail, King of the Jews – Duet
Sentimiento Gitano / Gypsy Feeling
Tierra Santa – Solo 1 / Holy Land – Solo 1
Tierra Santa – Solo 2 / Holy Land – Solo 2
Tierra Santa – Solo 3 / Holy Land – Solo 3
Toda una Vida / A Whole Life
Triunfo de tu Santa Cruz / Triumph of Your Holy Cross
Virgen de la Palma – Solo 1 / Virgen de La Palma – Solo 1
Virgen de la Palma – Solo 2 / Virgen de La Palma – Solo 2
Y al Tercer Día – Dúo / And on the Third Day – Duet
Y en Triana, la O / And in Triana, la O

How can I see the valve position?

Since version 2.2 of Sheet Music Player, a new option has been enabled to display the piston positions for all available solos. This feature can be used whenever you find a piece particularly challenging.

In this video, you can see how this option works.

Get Trumpet Soloist

Demo Version

A free version with a selection of solos and duets, so you can download it and see if the style and format suit your needs.

Full Version

The complete and continuously expanding version, featuring dozens of solos and duets, available for a small fee:

Solo disponible durante el primer fin de semana (21-23 de junio)
  • € EUR
  • $ USD

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