Below is a glossary of typical questions you might ask yourself during the study.

If you still have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us through the form or by email.

What is Clave de Mi?

Clave de Mi is an application that will allow you to have a collection of the most used methods and works of music, as well as a complete range of tools that will give you the opportunity to adapt each one of the exercises so that it is more comfortable and efficient for you. study.

Who is Clave De Mi addressed to?

Clave de Mi is aimed at all those instrumental musicians who want to have a large collection of exercises on the most important methods and works of each instrument and also want to have control of their daily study to improve performance at the time of study.

This includes both beginner musicians (who need a slower auditory guide to progress in the study), as well as advanced musicians, who need, for example, in a piece, to mute the main instrument and listen only to the accompanist to practice for a piece, being able to focus only on the most difficult part.

On the other hand, it is also perfectly useful both for musicians who are currently in conservatories or music schools (where they will have a reference guide of what to study) and for those self-taught students, who will have at their disposal a large collection of methods for to study.

What is the best type of subscription?

It all depends on what you are looking for. But I’ll tell you in more detail.

The “Free” subscription is practically an exercise player, where you will hardly be able to modify anything. It can be very useful if you are a person who simply “plays by ear”, or one of those who go on the bus listening to the exercises that they will later rehearse at home. Of course, you will have at your disposal all the current and new methods that come out of the instrument you choose (which, as a general rule for almost all musicians, is usually one).

The “Plus” subscription notably improves the functionality of the “Free”, although it is still an exercise player, albeit much more advanced and for all the instruments you want. You can, for example, play the exercise more slowly so you can rehearse it more easily or focus on only one part of the exercise. One of the most important functionalities is the possibility of requesting us to include some exercise or method completely free of charge (yes, without the preference that the “Full” plan has).

Finally, the “Full” plan does make a difference with the previous two. In addition to adding many features to the exercise player (keys, transpositions, key changes, your own scores, etc…) you will have at your disposal what we call the “Study Mode”, which saves the exercises you do every day to keep a much more exhaustive control of your study. Likewise, you have the possibility of self-assessing your exercise, to try to improve it every day.

This last mode is the one on which all development efforts are being focused, so that in the future you can create personalized exercise plans, or you can follow the application’s recommendations based on what you study and the assessment you have made . That way, you will have 100% control of your daily study

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