
CORNETA SOLISTA - Edición Internacional

Cornet Soloist (International Edition) – PDF + Online Audios

Holy Week in Spain is a truly special tradition, where music plays a key role. Cofrade bands accompany the processions that fill the streets of many cities, performing a style of music that is constantly evolving—expanding not only to other parts of the world but also into different musical genres. With this International Edition of […]

Cornet Soloist (International Edition) – PDF + Online Audios Read More »

TROMPETA SOLISTA - Edición Internacional

Trumpet Soloist (International Edition) – PDF + Online Audios

Holy Week in Spain is a truly special tradition, where music plays a key role. Cofrade bands accompany the processions that fill the streets of many cities, performing a style of music that is constantly evolving—expanding not only to other parts of the world but also into different musical genres. With this International Edition of

Trumpet Soloist (International Edition) – PDF + Online Audios Read More »

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