

Classification criteria by levels

For any musical instrument you want to learn, surely there are hundreds or even thousands of methods and works written during the history of music.

In addition, we know how difficult it is to find a method that suits the level you are at, especially if you have only been learning for a short time.

For this reason, and to help you make a good decision, we have created a classification system by levels, and we have also classified each of the methods that we have available in Clave de Mi, so that you have a much easier task of choosing by which one to start or which one to continue with.

How many levels are there and what do they mean?

The system we have used to create this classification is based on the system established by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, where the following official courses are established:

  • Elementary grade: 4 years
  • Intermediate or professional degree: 6 years
  • Higher degree: 4 years

Given that including 14 levels seemed more like a problem than a solution (since there are many works and methods that are used for several years, or even in each conservatory they are studied in a different year), we have grouped these 14 courses into 6 levels, leaving in the following way.

Dificulty Official course
Nivel_0 1º Elementary
Nivel_1 2º Elementary
3º Elementary
Nivel_2 4º Elementary
1º Professional
Nivel_3 2º Professional
3º Professional
4º Professional
Nivel_4 5º Professional
6º Professional
Nivel_5 1º Higher
2º Higher
3º Higher
4º Higher

How are methods classified?

Once we have established the different levels, it is time to classify each of the methods in the level that best suits its difficulty.

For this, we have based ourselves on the different “Didactic Programs” of various Music Conservatories to know, officially for each instrument, method and exercise, in which course the student studies it.

It is true that there are variations depending on each entity and place, so in the end we have made a statistic of which is the most appropriate course, and therefore level.

Finally, tell you that if you consider that any method is not well enough classified and you consider that some modification is necessary, do not hesitate to contact us, and we will review it without problem.

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