
fernando sor op. 35

Fernando Sor Op. 35 – 24 Exercices très faciles – PDF + Online Audios

The 24 Exercises très faciles method (link to Amazon), is a guitar method written between the 18th and 19th centuries, where its author, the Spanish composer Fernando Sor, included a set of 24 studies for a student guitar level, although not initiation. Get the method of Fernando Sor Op. 35 Fernando Sor Op. 35 with

Fernando Sor Op. 35 – 24 Exercices très faciles – PDF + Online Audios Read More »


Bastien Piano Basics: Piano for the Young Beginner – Primer A and B – Online Audios

Bastien Piano Basics: Piano for the Young Beginner (link to Amazon) is a set of two books for those who start in the world of the piano, and is especially dedicated to children of 5 and 6 years, since it has many illustrations That will make the study much more fun. This set of books

Bastien Piano Basics: Piano for the Young Beginner – Primer A and B – Online Audios Read More »

Clementi Op. 36 - Six Sonatinas

Clementi Op. 36 – 6 Piano Sonatinas – PDF + Online Audios

The work Clementi Op. 36 (link to Amazon), known as “6 Piano Sonatinas” is a set of 6 small sonatas of progressive difficulty aimed at musicians who already have a minimum base piano, reaching an intermediate level. Content of the piece Clementi Op. 36 Organization of exercises by difficulty The piece Clementi Op. 36 contains

Clementi Op. 36 – 6 Piano Sonatinas – PDF + Online Audios Read More »

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