Bastien Piano Basic Method (link to Amazon) is a set of several books of original works and popular, folk and original songs for those who start in the world of the piano, accompanied by a good handful of illustrations to reinforce learning.
This set of 4 new books serves as a continuation of the Piano for the Young Beginner: Primer A and B, which are especially dedicated to children aged 5 and 6.

Bastien Piano Basics methods content
Bastien Piano Basics - Level 1
- Elementary method review
- Position of C Major, F Major, G Major
- Sharp, flat and natural
- Chord of I, V7 in C Major, F Major, G Major
- Staccato, accents
- Tempo indications
- Dynamics (mp, mf, crescendos, diminuendos), DC, Fine,
- Eighth note, dotted quarter note
- Change of hand position
- Octave shifts
- Repetitions
Bastien Piano Basics - Level 2
- Binary and ternary rhythm
- C Major Scale
- Interval of 6th and 7th
- Repetitions
- Chord of I, IV and V
- Keys with sharps
- Main Chords of G Major, F Major, D Major, A Major, E Major
Bastien Piano Basics - Level 3
The musical content learned at this level is as follows:
- Boogie accompaniment, broken chords, waltz, by Alberti
- Natural, harmonic and melodic minor scale
- 2/2 beat
- Chord of I, IV and V7 in A minor, D minor
- Broken chords
- Binary and ternary form
- Triplets
- Dynamics (ff, pp)
- Octaves
- Flat keys
- Main chords in Reb major, Ab major and Eb major
Bastien Piano Basics - Level 4
The musical content learned at this level is as follows:
- Ternary form
- Using the pedal
- Main chords in E minor
- Dal Segno, Da Capo, Fine
- First and second investment
- Sixteenth note, dotted eighth note
- Syncopation
- Main chords in Gb major, Bb major and B major
- Grace notes
Get Bastien Piano Basics methods
Bastien Piano Basics methods with online audios
Currently you can find Level 1 of this method perfectly integrated in our “Clave de Mi” player, and you will have all the exercises organized, so you can quickly go to practice the one you need.
Buy Bastien Piano Basics methods
It is always highly recommended to have the methods and pieces in physical format (paper). In this way you will be able to create a great personal library, which will allow you one day to rediscover exercises that you had forgotten, lend your family and friends a book from your collection, or simply look at it and make you remember how hard (and at the same time exciting) was interpreting that work that you have overcome today.
For all this, we have reviewed and selected for you the most recommended, cheap and sold products, so that you can quickly acquire them from Amazon.
Bastien Piano Basics methods in PDF
Although you have the audios available in our player, we regret to inform you that this method is currently protected by the Copyright Law of Spain and therefore, its download in PDF is not available. For this reason, we recommend that you acquire it in physical format, or on another website that has the author’s permission for its publication and download.