The Carmine Caruso method (link to Amazon) is one of the most controversial methods in the trumpet world. The main reason is that it is a method that works on calisthenics, that is, the strengthening of the lip muscles to improve the register of the trumpet.

Contenido del método Caruso
Given that there are many variants in the way of analyzing the study of the trumpet and the increase in register, we would have those who affirm that a good musculature is crucial for a good register, who are usually defenders of Caruso, and those who prefer to approach this register expansion through the study of technique and air rather than brute force, which often criticize this method.
In one way or another, you have to know that even the defenders of this method say that you have to study it very carefully, complying with what the method says to the letter, because otherwise, it can even be harmful and destroy your embouchure. .
The peculiarity of the Caruso method is that of having to exhaust the lip, so they are demanding exercises that do not allow you to separate the mouthpiece from the lip at any time, always maintaining a breath through the nose, and at the moment of missing the note , wait a few seconds and continue it as far as we can. It reminds me a lot of when gymnasts try to exercise “to failure”.
It is a method that runs slowly, and you have to be concentrated to do it as the author says.
Get the Caruso Method
Caruso method with online audios
We have the Caruso method for trumpet perfectly integrated into our “Clave de Mi” player, and you will have the exercises organized by categories, so that you can quickly go to practice the exercise you need.
Buy Carmine Caruso method
It is always highly recommended to have the methods and pieces in physical format (paper). In this way you will be able to create a great personal library, which will allow you one day to rediscover exercises that you had forgotten, lend your family and friends a book from your collection, or simply look at it and make you remember how hard (and at the same time exciting) was interpreting that work that you have overcome today.
For all this, we have reviewed and selected for you the most recommended, cheap and sold products, so that you can quickly acquire them from Amazon.
Método Caruso in PDF
Although you have the audios available in our player, we regret to inform you that this method is currently protected by the Copyright Law of Spain and therefore, its download in PDF is not available. For this reason, we recommend that you acquire it in physical format, or on another website that has the author’s permission for its publication and download.
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