The trumpet is a brass instrument whose sound is produced by the vibration of the lips in a mouthpiece thanks to the passage of air.
The trumpet is usually tuned in Bb, C or Eb and usually reads in Treble Clef. Other similar instruments, and that can be studied together with trumpet methods, would be the piston cornet and the flugelhorn.
Learn trumpet
For a musician who wants to dedicate himself to the world of the trumpet, some of the facets that he must learn are the following:
- Adopt a relaxed position when playing
- Being able to control the air thanks to good diaphragmatic breathing and good development of the abdominal and facial muscles.
- Get a good attack (emission), tuning and flexibility in the change of notes for the entire register.
- Have a good fingering technique to change notes with rhythm and precision.
- Learn the different types of attack and phrasing to be able to transmit musically at each moment what the work requires.
Trumpet Methods in Clave de Mi
We currently have 7 fully integrated trumpet methods in our Clave de Mi player. Remember that it does not matter what kind of trumpet you have, as well as its tuning, since all the Clave de Mi exercises allow you to adapt.
Ranking by difficulty
Due to the large number of existing methods for this instrument, it is often difficult for us to find a method that suits our level, especially when the musician is still new.
For this reason, we wanted to classify all the methods available on this site according to the level of difficulty of the exercises.
If you want to know how we establish this criterion, you can do it from here.



Finally, we leave what is probably the most complete trumpet method, which covers from aspects that could be considered basic (although not initiation), to exercises of very, very high levels.
Below you have a summary table where you can see all the trumpet methods that you can find in digital and/or physical format, and that will soon be integrated into the Clave de Mi player.
Method | Download in PDF | Link to Amazon | Online Audios |
Arban | |||
Bai Lin | |||
Carmine Caruso | |||
Clarke | |||
Louis Maggio | Coming soon! | ||
Stamp | Coming soon! | ||
Total Range | Coming soon! |