

Topic #1: Download MuseScore 4 and 3 in Windows

Topic #1: Download MuseScore 4 and 3 in Windows

Very good to everyone! How are you? I’m Ismael Vallejo from Clave de Mi and today we start with video number 1 of this MuseScore course.

As I already said, we are going to start from the most basic and the most basic is to install; know where to look for the software, download it, see the different versions that exist and see the different ways to download it that we have.

As you all know, MuseScore is a free and open source program, and you can download it, as I said, completely free of charge from its website.

Therefore, we go to the computer and see the different download modes and versions that exist.

As I already said, we can download MuseScore from its official page at musescore.org.

Be careful that there is also the “.com”! but that’s the sheet music sharing platform; to download the software is musescore.org.

As you can see, it has automatically recognized that we are using a Windows operating system and informs us of the newest version available, which is 4.1.1.

Remember that in recent years we had version 3; Specifically, 3.6 was the last one that came out.

In December of last year, around Christmas more or less, version 4.0 came out, about a month ago the first important release (so to speak) came out, which was 4.1 and just a few days ago it must have been that you have seen some errors about 4.1 and they have released a minor patch 4.1.1.

For now we are going to focus on version 4, although at the end of the video we will also talk about how to download previous versions.

And the first thing we have to keep in mind is that we have two options: the normal download from this button that says Free Download.

That will download both Muse Hub, which is software that we’ll see in the next video, and MuseScore itself, and we also have the option of downloading MuseScore without this other application called Muse Hub.

As I already said, in the following video we are going to take a closer look at how Muse Hub works; therefore, now we are going to download the version that does not come with Muse Hub, that is, it is only the installation of the MuseScore software.

We click on the Download button and, automatically, in a few seconds the download will begin.

We download it in the directory that we prefer and in a few seconds we will have our complete download.

And now it is very simple, we simply have to click on the file that we have downloaded so that the installation starts.

And now the process is the typical Windows “next, next” (as they say).

We accept the License Agreement (but not before having read it), we choose the directory that we prefer (in my case I am going to leave the default directory) and, finally, we click Install to start the installation.

As we can see, it is a fairly quick installation (it will depend a bit on the computer you have) and, automatically, we already have our software downloaded.

If we click on this checkbox the application will start directly and if we remove it, we will simply leave it installed, but it will not start.

In my case, to check that it has been installed correctly, I am going to leave it checked and I am going to click “Finish”.

And automatically we see how the MuseScore 4 software has already been opened, therefore, the installation has finished satisfactorily.

We close here and go back.

We also close this tab and return to where we were at the beginning.

As I already said, in this course I am going to explain both the version 4 part and the version 3 part.

Therefore, if you don’t know how to download version 3, tell you that here we have the option to download a previous version.

We click on the button and it takes us to this screen.

At the top we have the download available again for version 4.1.1 (which is the one we just downloaded) for both Windows and Mac and a version of the “AppImage” that is typical of Linux.

Likewise, here below we have, depending on the Linux distribution we have, several downloads (we will talk about this in future videos, about downloading in Linux) for now we are going to focus only on Windows.

And now, from here above, where it says “Older versions” or directly going down to the “Older and unsupported versions” part.

we see that we have a version of “Windows 7 or higher” that will take us to version 3.6.

If we still wanted a much earlier version, that is, the version is 1, 2 or 3.2 (which are already very old) we could do it from this button below.

We are going to focus on version 3.6, which is the last stable release of version 3, and as I said in the previous video, a version that a large part of the MuseScore community continues to use.

As you can see, it leads us to a repository FTP from which we can download from version 3.0.0, that is, a 2018 version that is already five years old, and if we continue downloading, we can see how all the different releases that have come out of version 3 are ordered.

In case you want to use version 3, I would recommend downloading the latest one: 3.6 and, specifically, one of these three.

So that you know a little about the difference between these different 3.6.2, tell you that the first and third are the typical Windows installers, with the difference that the third is made for 64-bit platforms.

If you are not very clear about what 32 bits and 64 bits are, tell you that, the normal thing is that in current computers everything is already 64 bit architecture since 32 is something from 10-15 years ago.

However, if you have a computer that is still old and you know that it does not support 64-bit architecture , you can always download the 32-bit version, which is compatible for both 32-bit and 64-bit computers.

In any case, and in case you have any doubts, a clue to find out if your computer is 32 or 64 bit is to go to the Control Panel from “Start” -> “Control Panel” and in the “System” section -> “System type” you can see if the operating system is 32-bit or 64-bit.

Finally, this media installer that says “paf.exe” is to indicate that it is a portable version.

What does portable mean? It means that we are not really going to install the MuseScore software on our computer.

It would be like an application that runs without the need to be installed.

Imagine, for example, that you do not have privileges to install software on your PC; The normal thing is that you should also be able to use a portable version, since as I said, it does not install anything; it would simply be to download, double click and start using the program.

And finally, going back to the screen we were on, simply tell you that if you still want a much older version you can click on this third link: as it says above: “Previous and unsupported versions”, and here you can find much older versions: MuseScore 1.1, 1.2 up to 3.2, which is the last one saved in this FTP repository.

And nothing more, I know that it is a very easy video, that practically almost everyone today knows how to install a program in Windows.

But hey, in this way we have also been able to see the different types of installation that there are and above all find where the old versions are, since it is not as intuitive as it may seem.

As always, feel free to subscribe, leave your like, your comments and we’ll see you in the next video where we’ll talk about Muse Hub.

See you soon!

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