

Topic #0: What is MuseTube?

Topic #0: What is MuseTube?

Very good to everyone! How are you? I’m Ismael Vallejo from Clave de Mi and as I mentioned in the last video, today I’m here to introduce you to a new project for the following videos.

The project is called MuseTube “or MuseTube” (I’m still not sure which sounds better) and it’s going to be a complete course, no, very complete! Since I want it to be the reference course for all of us who use MuseScore.

In it we will start from scratch, from the most basic: the installation of MuseScore in both Windows and Linux, and from there we will progress to gradually cover all those needs, both basic and advanced, that this software allows us.

The idea then is that all the videos are ordered (as you can see here, this is number 0, that is, the introduction) so that in the future you can see video 1, 2, 3, 20, 30, etc., and if you are a basic user you can have everything sorted, while if you are an advanced user you can go directly to find the video you need to solve the problem you have.

By the way, for those of you wondering about the choice of the name: well, MuseScore + YouTube… well, MuseTube; As I already said, I am still considering whether to call it MuseTube or MuseTube.

So as I already said, the idea is to make specific videos, not as long or covering as many topics as I have done in previous videos, so that now you have specific videos for one of the points that we want to see.

Eye! Concrete does not mean short.

That is to say, there are topics that can be explained in just a few seconds, but there will be other topics that need much more time, examples, etc…. and therefore there will be longer videos, but my idea is that they should be between 5 and 10 minutes.

By the way, I’m also going to tell you that I’m not going to focus only on MuseScore 4, because today many of us are still using MuseScore 3.6.

This is because version 4 has certain features that have disappeared or have not yet been implemented and for example, in my case, for some scores I prefer to continue using MuseScore 3.

In the end we can say that MuseScore 3 and MuseScore 4 share a 70- 75% of the functionalities, the interface, etc…. so everything that is the same, I will do it in MuseScore 4, but when I see that there is a noticeable difference I will do it in both version 3 and version 4.

As you know , for example, the “Inspector” is only in MuseScore 3.

Well, when we get to that point I’ll explain it for MuseScore 3, while the “Properties Tab”, which is specific to MuseScore 4, I’ll explain it in MuseScore 4.

Likewise, although this will not be a music theory course, there will be some videos in which I give certain brushstrokes if in this way I consider that the function that we are seeing in that video will be better understood.

And as for the periodicity of the videos, my idea is to upload videos more often than what I have been doing so far.

As you know, I upload videos more or less every two weeks, but since they will be shorter videos now, my idea is to be able to upload even more than 1 per week.

In any case, if you don’t want to miss any, as you know you can subscribe and activate the bell so that you receive notifications .

By doing this course or series of videos, I also do not rule out continuing to record videos like the ones I did before, for example, if you ask me about some specific functionality and I see that it is covered in lesson 37, I am not going to make you wait 37 videos to respond to your request; I will simply create a video like the previous ones explaining what you ask me.

The idea is that the same interaction that there is up to now continues, that is, that you can leave me comments, send me emails with your doubts and I will try to answer you as much as possible, although you can also answer among yourselves within the community, which every day it grows more and more.

As you know, a few days ago we reached 1000 subscribers.

So now we have to think about growing more and more so that we can be the largest Spanish-speaking community in MuseScore.

And nothing more, I hope that it has been more or less clear to you what the dynamics will be from now on and, as always, any suggestion or criticism, I am open to any type of comment.

See you in the next video where there already yes, we will start with the course.

See you soon.

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