

Topic #6: Navigating MuseScore

Topic #6: Navigating MuseScore

Very good to everyone! How are you? I’m Ismael Vallejo from Clave de Mi and this is video number 6 of the MuseTube course, the course where we are watching and learning MuseScore from the most basic to the most advanced.

And in this video, we’re going to learn how to navigate the score.

What is sailing? Basically knowing how to move around the score: knowing how to enlarge, reduce, being able to see, in a general way, an outline of all of it, learning to use zooms, the types of views, comparing two parts of the score, and even searching and going to a determined compass.

So without further ado, let’s get started! Very well, in this case, instead of creating a score from scratch, I have preferred to open a score that I already had and that spans several pages, so that it is much easier to explain the navigation through it.

And we are going to start with the most basic of all and that is: how can I move between the different pages of this score? Well, the easiest way is to click on any empty place and without releasing move the mouse to one side or the other.

In this way, what we will do is go, little by little, browsing the score.

As you can see, I move as I click and hold down throughout the score.

Likewise, if I want to move up or down, we can do it using the mouse.

Specifically, with the scroll (with the mouse wheel).

Yes, as it is, I am turning the wheel of the mouse, we see that we are going up or down, and if we want to go to the left or to the right, it is enough to press the “Shift” key.

In this way, we would move to the left or to the right.

Furthermore, a new feature of MuseScore 4, which is not in MuseScore 3, is that if we move the mouse to the side of the score, we see how a scroll bar appears that allows us to go up and down; and in the same way, at the bottom, a scroll bar appears to be able to move from left to right.

Another option to move is through the elements.

If, for example, I click on the first note, we see that we can move from note to note with the “Left” and “Right” keys on the keyboard.

If we also press “Ctrl”, we see that instead of jumping by notes, we jump by bar.

If, for example, a measure arrives in which there are several notes and I want to move from one to another, for example to delete it, I can do it by pressing the “Alt” key and the “Up” and “Down” arrows.

On the other hand, we can also zoom in and out of the score.

We can do this both with the magnifying glass buttons (as we see below, the “Minus” to zoom out and the “More” to zoom in), as well as pressing the “Ctrl” key and the mouse wheel.

In this way, we see how we can also move away and get closer.

Likewise, we also have the option of, through this button, choosing the zoom directly.

By the way, another keyboard shortcut, which I don’t really use much, but it still works for you, is if, for example, we are here and we want to go to the score frame, press “Ctrl + 0”, and we will automatically see how it is it gives us a 100% zoom.

Similarly, if we want to work without the Windows start bar, we can do it by “View” -> “Full Screen” or also by pressing the “F11” key.

In my case you don’t see a big difference because I’m recording directly without the start bar.

Therefore, it is not a very noticeable difference, but in your case you will see how the Windows start bar disappears.

Another way to move around the score is from “View” -> “Navigator”.

As you can see here, it shows us a schematic of all the pages that our score has, so that by clicking on the area we want, we can move around very easily.

To hide it, we simply go back to “View” -> “Navigator”.

For the next thing that I want to show you, I am going to move the score a bit away.

And it is the possibility here, in the “Status bar”, from “Page view”, to change to “Continuous view (horizontal)”.

In this way, we would see the score all in a row, without line breaks.

Likewise, we can change it to “Continuous view (vertical)”.

In this way, we would have a single page with all the content of the score.

Finally, I would like to tell you that we also have a quick search engine that, although I personally don’t use it much, I would like you to at least know that it exists.

And it’s from “Edit” -> “Find / Go to” or, in the case of MuseScore 3, “Edit” -> “Find / Go to”.

A small search dialog appears.

Here, for example, if we wanted to go to measure 80, it would be as simple as writing “80” and it automatically takes us to that measure.

On the other hand, if we wanted to go to page 6, for example, we could put “p6” and, automatically, it takes us to page 6.

The last possibility we have is to write “r” and a rehearsal mark number or directly the name of the rehearsal mark that takes us to the part of the page where we have that rehearsal makr name.

Don’t worry about the rehearsal marks, we’ll talk about them in future videos.

On the part of MuseScore 3, simply tell you about a functionality that has not been carried over to MuseScore 4 but, just the same for those of you who use this version, it can be useful, and it is from “View” -> “Documents Side by Side”, we can have Open two files at the same time.

If we adjust a bit here to half and half, we can even see two parts of the same score.

We can move by one and move by another.

That way, for example, we could copy between one and the other.

As I said, this hasn’t been carried over to MuseScore 4.

Also, we have a similar option that instead of “Documents Side by Side” is “Documents Stacked”, so they’re stacked vertically instead of horizontally.

And here is today’s video.

It may seem like a somewhat “ugly” video because we haven’t really created any score, but I think it ‘s also important that you learn to navigate quickly, to use the scroll, the zoom, or to be able to move between elements, etc…In the following video we will get fully involved with the timeline, which allows us to have a very brief outline of a structure of the entire score.

And nothing more for today, as always encourage us to subscribe, click on the bell, leave your comment, your like and, in general, anything that can make YouTube give the importance it deserves to this video.

See you very soon.

See you later!

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